Running your business with



This is the home of Running your business with with LedgerSMB, a free book about the LedgerSMB open source ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system written by some of the developers of LedgerSMB itself.

Versions of this book use a numbering system designed to match those used by the LedgerSMB software itself—version 1.3 of Running your business with LedgerSMB covers LedgerSMB 1.3, for example.

Available versions

For the latest development version

Other formats may become available in due time.

For LedgerSMB 1.11

For LedgerSMB 1.10

For LedgerSMB 1.3

Reporting findings and contributing

Questions with respect to LedgerSMB and the content of the book can be discussed through the LedgerSMB users mailing list or GitHub Discussions. If you prefer more immediate feedback, we'd like to invite you to join our Matrix chat channel where the book authors can normally be found.

If you have a finding to report, e.g. a typo or incorrectness, please feel free to file GitHub issues, or, if you know how to change the LaTeX sources, please create a pull request.

Erik Huelsmann, Neil Tiffin