LedgerSMB provides installation tarballs for installing LSMB into the native file system. This installation method requires experience and detailed knowledge of both the Linux operating system and LedgerSMB. Experience has shown that getting prerequisites and security correct is sometimes a significant challenge.
The following commands were tested on a clean, default, server install with no snaps using ubuntu-22.04.3-live-server-amd64.iso.
The steps were extracted from the docker install at https://github.com/ledgersmb/ledgersmb-docker/blob/1.11/Dockerfile. This docker file should be considered the authoritative source.
The following commands need to be modified for proper security, which is the responsibility of the installer.
Make sure Ubuntu is up to date:
Install the prerequisites:
Once all of the prerequisites have been installed the user can proceed by following the install instructions on the web site. For example, https://ledgersmb.org/content/installing-ledgersmb-111, starting at ”Configuring the PostgreSQL server”